Communicating Science – What’s wrong with you, France ?

A few days ago, I asked on twitter why there are so few french academics on twitter. I started tweeting about a year ago or so, for reasons I will discuss below, and a year later, my feeling is that the relative number of french academics on twitter is clearly less than in the US or UK. Correct me if I am wrong. Whenever I discuss twitter with colleagues, I get this social-media-is-for-teenagers kind of look and comments. I am truly amazed how underestimated twitter is as a tool and a mainstream communication platform for science today.

Twitter adoption is just the tip of the iceberg, I believe. When it comes to communicating science, french academics have long had a peculiar attitude. I have been fortunate to spend two years in one of the best place to do science in this world, in the bay area around San Francisco, and learned a lot about communicating science while I was there. US academics take communication very seriously. Ok, a bit too much, sometime. Overselling your results is not a good communication strategy. At LBL, there was an entire service dedicated to communicating the science of the lab (ok, it is a 3 000 persons lab, but still). They could design your posters and talks if you wanted to. A professional photograph was working full-time for the lab. Coaches were decorated with giant photographs of science leaders of the lab.

In France, people have the opposite attitude and (mostly) do not seem to see the point. « If the science is good, people will notice my work », seemed to be a common belief for a long time (and still is for many, unfortunately). The state of many lab websites, for instance, is a good example of the current interest (or rather, its absence) of french scientists for communication. Things are changing, for many reasons. Because taxpayers are challenging the use of their tax money and want to see the outcome of fundamental research. Because people are curious. Because funders require it. Because a new generation is coming, too. A generation that is born with internet, its tools, and its social codes.

Having shared my time between the two countries, I am balanced between both attitudes. The absolute first requirement if you want to communicate is that the science has to be good, of course. Communicating on bad science will be disastrous. I have seen too many talks at american conferences where the speaker was obviously an expert in communication skills but the science presented was absolutely ugly or completely pointless. Worse, and much more common (at least in France): some stunning science badly served by catastrophic communication skills. Slides with bullet points and 200 words, crappy figures with terrible color choice, you get the idea. I, for one, have become a bit obsessed when it comes to figures, posters, and slides design, largely inspired by my former mentors and Edward Tufte principles. My latest student can testify about it (and somehow became even more extremist than me) but he is becoming good with Illustrator. Good communication skills are difficult to acquire, it is a long journey, but the rewards can be awesome. It is definitely an interesting exercise to explain your work in accessible terms (like when you have to do it for you family during Xmas or Thanksgiving dinner) and also happens to be a good training for your next grant proposal. My ERC interview started by a 5 minutes pitch, and you can bet I practiced it before (in the train to Brussels, actually).

Twitter is in a different category. Using twitter for self-promotion might not be the best idea, at least if that is the only use you are planning with it. Many reasons brought me to twitter: I am working in a small lab (10 to 15 people, depending on the year), in a small town (no university around). Even though I travel a lot (almost every week), it does not make up for this modest size, below the critical mass where you get random interactions with others. I therefore use it more and more for the informal exchanges you can have with fellow scientists, but from all over the world in this case. Which can happen either in french or english — the language is irrelevant here. The second interesting use is to keep the generic public informed about our work and the way we do it, on a daily basis. #overlyhonestmethods was an interesting one, for instance, and brought the scientists out of their ivory tower for many people. I occasionally use it for self-promotion, when a new paper is coming out, of course, but I am not sure yet if it is the best way to reach fellows and people. And shameless self-promotion is badly perceived or at best blatantly ignored on twitter. Twitter has also become one of my main information channels for generic science news of different domains for which I have a passing interest (dinosaurs !) (I still keep track of new papers through RSS feeds). You can also get interesting behind-the-scenes peeks from the journals as many editors are on twitter (Andrea Taroni (Nature Materials), Pep Pamies (Nature Materials), Stuart Cantrill (Nature Chemistry), Robert Garisto (PRL), Joerg Heber (Nature Comunications), providing useful advices. My feeling is that for most, in France, all these aspects are not perceived yet. Twitter still appears as a distraction for youngsters and is not taken seriously.

Unexpected things can happen if you start to tweet. After exchanging with @BenjAbecassis for a few months, he came to the lab to chat and give a seminar (hint: in real life, he has a beard, do not trust his profile pic). Following the Science paper on open access journal accepting a fake article (referred to as the « Bannon sting »), there were many papers in the daily press about it, and most of them (unfortunately) missing the point. I shouted to one of them (Rue89) over twitter, and they invited me to answer to their paper, which I did here. I kept track of the comments for a few days, both on the journal website and over twitter, and had interesting exchanges with regular (non-scientist) people, who were truly interested in understanding the issues at stake. I recently discovered that @fxcoudert, with whom I exchange a lot on twitter, is going to supervise a PhD student that is shared between his lab and mine. You get the idea. Try, and see what happens next.

Things are improving faster at an institutional level. Not everything goes through press release anymore. The CNRS for instance, makes great efforts to communicate to the public, through both its journal (available both in french and english. I am a big fan of it), its redesigned website, and yes, twitter (Facebook also I think, but I am not using FB). Most (if not all ?) institutes (chemistry,  physics, nuclear physics and particles, etc.) are now tweeting news about the institutes and their activities and stories. In the « News from the lab » page (here for chemistry), papers of interest are briefly discussed in fairly generic terms. I grew to really appreciate it over the years, as it gives a different perspective than the one you get when you read directly a paper in your field. I would be really curious to know the audience of the site (150k daily visitors according to Wolfram), as well as the profile of the visitors. Public events recently organized, such as Les Fondamentales, seemed to have met a large audience, too. The public (i.e, non scientists) is clearly happy by such endeavors and very keen on getting more. Twitter is just another channels of the communication stream. And a versatile one.

France is good at picking american habits with a 10 years delay. So maybe all we have to do is wait until we reach a critical mass of younger people in the labs. In the meantime, my next move is to go to ScienceOnline. We will see what happens, I will tweet from there if I go. Oh, and you can trust my twitter profile. I have an outstanding coffee machine at home. @ajsteven130 can testify.

3 thoughts on “Communicating Science – What’s wrong with you, France ?

  1. Excellent post, thanks!
    I lack your optimism about the 10 year delay, or French researchers would already have good websites for the labs, at the least.
    I also note that French researchers are under-represented in tools such as LinkedIn or Google Scholar profiles, at least in the fields which I know. For Google Scholar, it might be changing.
    And institutional communication serves a purpose, but it does not replace direct interaction by scientists. That is what is clearly lacking.
    Another level where you see this phenomenon: science journalists in US and UK now routinely take into account reactions to a new result on blogs and twitter. French science journalists? Good luck.

  2. Pingback: Le jour d’après | Sylvain Deville

  3. Pingback: 10 basic rules and tricks for science communication | Sylvain Deville

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